The Omicron variant has once again created a focus on vaccination appointment scheduling systems. The rush for shots is reminiscent of the problems seen a year ago when states and localities were struggling to make…
Lessons from VA appointment scheduling system rollout
The Department of Veterans Affairs is standardizing its appointment scheduling system by rolling out a new solution based on Cerner. Schedulers like many aspects of the Cerner system, including its “user-friendly interface and ease of…
Deep-Dive into the VAMS vaccine sign-up system in South Carolina
Most articles covering vaccine roll-out appointment scheduling solutions have been surface level. They’ve mostly focused on high visibility failures of appointment scheduling systems at a regional or local level, but without truly exploring why failures… relaunches Harmonizely as
Appointment scheduling provider announced the launch of a competing solution in the meeting space called The product is a re-launch of Harmonizely, an appointment scheduling solution focusing on multi-calendar integration that was acquired…
VA’s appointment scheduling system getting replaced—we hope!
The Department of Veterans Affairs appears to finally be standardizing its appointment scheduling software, after multiple scandals including the 2014 episode that led to the resignation of former Secretary Eric Shinseki, who took responsibility for…
National Commercial Bank (NCB) Jamaica Chooses Squarespace for Branch Scheduling
The largest and most profitable financial institution in Jamaica, Jamaican National Commercial Bank (NCB), announced plans to pilot an online appointment scheduling system in select branches by November 22, 2021. Based on an early look…